Every little bit helps...Whilst searching the internet we came across many ways to help the environment but we love simplicity so here's a few to think about:
Refuse (consumerism)
Now even Bob the Builder uses eat least 3 of those!
Seriously, though if you are considering changing the way your live and work then maybe consider the following:
Environmental Management System (EMS)
What is ISO, ISO 14000 and ISO 14001?
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards.
ISO 14000 is a series of international standards that have been developed to incorporate environmental aspects into business operations and product standards.
ISO 14001 is a specific international standard for a management system designed to minimise an organisation’s impact on the environment.
The ISO 14001 methodology is a systematic approach for continually improving environmental management through identification and evaluation of aspects and impacts, development of objectives and measurable targets, implementation of programs, and on-going monitoring and review.
What are the Benefits of Implementing an Environmental Management System?
- Pollution prevention and waste reduction opportunities.
- Profit in market for "Green Products”
- Reduced consumption of natural resources and energy
- Minimisation of environmental liability and risk
- Systemised approach to compliance with environmental regulations
- Commitment to social responsibility
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